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- Highly waterproof
- Flexible
- Crack bridging ability – a 2 mm thick film can cover cracks upto 2mm wide
- Excellent Elongation at failure (> 100%)
- Reinforced with fibres
- Weather and frost resistant
- UV resistant
- Dust reduced
- Compatible with sealing tape
- Compatible with ceramic, vitrified, mosaic Tiles and natural stone coverings
- Can be applied by brush, roller, trowel or mechanical spray
- Protects reinforced & standard concrete structures
- To protect concrete from water, carbonation and deicing salts
Documents & Downloads
Usage Guide
VURA MaStik Pro can be applied on the following mineral substrates where even, solid, loadbearing, clean, crack-free and free of substances that may impair adhesion (e.g. fats, bituminous or dust): concrete (over 28 days old), cementitious plaster and composite screeds (over 28 days old), fast hardening screed mortar (minimum 3 days old), walls made of ceramic bricks, hollows and concrete blocks with flash joints (over 28 days old), cement-fibre boards. Other substrates: gypsum boards, OSB and chipboards (minimum 25 mm thick on floor and 18 mm thick on walls) and old tiles
Remove dirt, layers of low strength, and all paint coatings and release agents. For mineral construction substrates that must be even and absorbent, it is recommended to use sandblasting or high water pressure for cleaning.
Enlarge the stable cracks and fill them with polymerised cement mortar or crack fillers or alternatively with epoxy resin. Compensate hollows and irregularly shaped substrates with cement mortar.
Chisel out or grind sharp protrusions.
All edges must be cut off or chamfered to approx. 3 cm. Concave corners must be rounded with moulding of 2-3 cm radius. VURA MaStik Pro requires pre-wetting of the mineral substrate before application, while avoiding formation of puddles. In case of insulation against negative water pressure, substrate must have sufficient strength.
VURA MaStik Pro is supplied in premeasured units of 20kg powder (Part A) and 10kg liquid (Part B) and should be mixed on site utilising clean containers. Slowly add the powder to the liquid and mix, using a slow speed (300rpm) drill fitted with a suitable paddle. Mix the material which can be used in 60 minutes. Do not apply to dry concrete.
The quantity obtained must be applied within 60 minutes. The first layer will be applied consistently with a brush or trowel on prepared surface. When successive layers are applied, the next layer must only be applied when the previous layer is hardened, Interval time between two coat is apprx. 4-5 hrs. Work must not be interrupted for more than 12 hours.
Do not apply the VURA MaStik Pro to a substrate that shows the signs of standing water on the surface. Apply second coat after First coat is dry to touch, perpendicular to the direction of the first coat. The Wet film thickness per coat should be 1 mm.
The freshly applied product must be protected against drying too fast.
The coating can be walked on after two days; however, even after complete hardening, the coating must not be directly exposed to heavy mechanical loads.
Keep the freshly applied coating in the normal conditions for at least 3 days. Protect VURA MaStik Pro against rain for at least 72 hours. Tiles, plasters or flooring can be applied on a layer of VURA MaStik Pro after 7 days at the earliest from drying out too quickly, frost and precipitation. Installation of covers protecting from direct sunlight, draughts, rain and frost is recommended. Do not cure the mortar by pouring or spraying water.
After every roller application, the surface must be smoothed with a trowel (while fresh). The thickness of a single layer of VURA MaStik Pro should not exceed 2.0 mm. VURA MaStik Pro should also be applied outside the protected area with an additional margin of at least 0.5 m.
Tools and fresh stains should be washed with water.
When hardened, the slurry can only be removed mechanically. In case of horizontal insulation under ceilings, insulation of horizontal strip foundations and insulation on cantilevered balconies and terraces, it is recommended to embed a technical fleece with a maximum weight of 50-80 GSM between VURA MaStik Pro layers. For cantilevered type of balconies or terraces, be extremely careful not to mechanically damage the previously installed insulation. For this purpose, protective pads should be used to protect the insulation and act as a sliding layer.
To improve further elongation & crack bridging ability, polypropylene fibre mesh / fabric can be used between 2 coats of VURA MaStik Pro.

VURA Mastik Pro
High Flexible 2K
VURA MaStik Pro is a two-component high flexible slurry, strengthened with fibres and designed for waterproofing and damp-proofing on deformable and non-deformable mineral substrates – suitable for internal and external use on walls, floors and ceilings.
- Highly waterproof
- Flexible
- Crack bridging ability – a 2 mm thick film can cover cracks upto 2mm wide
- Excellent Elongation at failure (> 100%)
- Reinforced with fibres
- Weather and frost resistant
- UV resistant
- Dust reduced
- Compatible with sealing tape
- Compatible with ceramic, vitrified, mosaic Tiles and natural stone coverings
- Can be applied by brush, roller, trowel or mechanical spray
- Protects reinforced & standard concrete structures
- To protect concrete from water, carbonation and deicing salts
Usage Guide
VURA MaStik Pro can be applied on the following mineral substrates where even, solid, loadbearing, clean, crack-free and free of substances that may impair adhesion (e.g. fats, bituminous or dust): concrete (over 28 days old), cementitious plaster and composite screeds (over 28 days old), fast hardening screed mortar (minimum 3 days old), walls made of ceramic bricks, hollows and concrete blocks with flash joints (over 28 days old), cement-fibre boards. Other substrates: gypsum boards, OSB and chipboards (minimum 25 mm thick on floor and 18 mm thick on walls) and old tiles
Remove dirt, layers of low strength, and all paint coatings and release agents. For mineral construction substrates that must be even and absorbent, it is recommended to use sandblasting or high water pressure for cleaning.
Enlarge the stable cracks and fill them with polymerised cement mortar or crack fillers or alternatively with epoxy resin. Compensate hollows and irregularly shaped substrates with cement mortar.
Chisel out or grind sharp protrusions.
All edges must be cut off or chamfered to approx. 3 cm. Concave corners must be rounded with moulding of 2-3 cm radius. VURA MaStik Pro requires pre-wetting of the mineral substrate before application, while avoiding formation of puddles. In case of insulation against negative water pressure, substrate must have sufficient strength.
VURA MaStik Pro is supplied in premeasured units of 20kg powder (Part A) and 10kg liquid (Part B) and should be mixed on site utilising clean containers. Slowly add the powder to the liquid and mix, using a slow speed (300rpm) drill fitted with a suitable paddle. Mix the material which can be used in 60 minutes. Do not apply to dry concrete.
The quantity obtained must be applied within 60 minutes. The first layer will be applied consistently with a brush or trowel on prepared surface. When successive layers are applied, the next layer must only be applied when the previous layer is hardened, Interval time between two coat is apprx. 4-5 hrs. Work must not be interrupted for more than 12 hours.
Do not apply the VURA MaStik Pro to a substrate that shows the signs of standing water on the surface. Apply second coat after First coat is dry to touch, perpendicular to the direction of the first coat. The Wet film thickness per coat should be 1 mm.
The freshly applied product must be protected against drying too fast.
The coating can be walked on after two days; however, even after complete hardening, the coating must not be directly exposed to heavy mechanical loads.
Keep the freshly applied coating in the normal conditions for at least 3 days. Protect VURA MaStik Pro against rain for at least 72 hours. Tiles, plasters or flooring can be applied on a layer of VURA MaStik Pro after 7 days at the earliest from drying out too quickly, frost and precipitation. Installation of covers protecting from direct sunlight, draughts, rain and frost is recommended. Do not cure the mortar by pouring or spraying water.
After every roller application, the surface must be smoothed with a trowel (while fresh). The thickness of a single layer of VURA MaStik Pro should not exceed 2.0 mm. VURA MaStik Pro should also be applied outside the protected area with an additional margin of at least 0.5 m.
Tools and fresh stains should be washed with water.
When hardened, the slurry can only be removed mechanically. In case of horizontal insulation under ceilings, insulation of horizontal strip foundations and insulation on cantilevered balconies and terraces, it is recommended to embed a technical fleece with a maximum weight of 50-80 GSM between VURA MaStik Pro layers. For cantilevered type of balconies or terraces, be extremely careful not to mechanically damage the previously installed insulation. For this purpose, protective pads should be used to protect the insulation and act as a sliding layer.
To improve further elongation & crack bridging ability, polypropylene fibre mesh / fabric can be used between 2 coats of VURA MaStik Pro.